Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Spore Project

So my Beautiful friend J.C who is apart of the "dream team" has turned me onto something crafty and exciting known the spore project. It is a worldwide effort to gain and promote awareness for the support for art in schools and creativity in day-to-day life. Doug Rhodehamel is the creator and genius behind the effort. Essentially you create these paper bag mushrooms and display them anywhere really. The idea behind this is, you are taking something simple and making it into something quirky and creative.

Well J.C and I stayed up this week creating a new Drink and Draw display for the Mellow Mushroom bar ceiling. We used the spore project as our main concept. Below are the outcome pictures from our adventure into making a mushroom chandelier.

I think that the project turned out very well and I will keep you updated on the progress of the spore project at the Mellow Mushroom. If you would like more information on the spore project please visit the links below and if you would like to check out some wonderful art please see my friends J.C's blog Pretty Paisley Patterns! The link for her blog is located to your right in my favorite blogs section!

Onward and Upward,
Lady of Life

The Spore Project Information

Pretty Paisley Patterns (Friend J.C Blog)